Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunny days!

Finally! Today I was able to experience sunshine and warm weather all at the same time!!! It seriously amazes me sometimes how quickly my entire day and outlook can change just by a bit of sunny weather.  As I hit the gym for my afternoon flex-n-pump class, I seriously realized (even though I say it all the time) that summer break is less than one month away. That means it is time for me to kick it into high gear if I want to  get into swimsuit shape.

Managing my time this next month is going to be extremely difficult as the end of the semester closes in. I'll have to keep up with my school work, social life, diet and exercise. It kind of scares me (ahhh!) But I figure if I map out my day the night before, I'll have a much better chance at keeping myself on track.

Photo from aisquared
To keep myself going strong I'm going to wake up a little bit earlier and start my mornings with 30-60 minutes of light exercise. This way I'll wake up my muscles and get my metabolism and mind moving. I'm starting tomorrow at 8 am with flow yoga :)  I think yoga is possibly one of the best ways to start your day. It allows you to use your muscles and start your mind in a calm, slow manner.

Yoga gives me the time to focus on controlling my body and creating power. It gives me flexibility, strength and a creative mind. Having an hour of silence lets me think about my day,  anything else going on in my life or absolutely nothing at all.

Yoga has been a popular exercise for the mind and body for years. To find some simple yoga poses you can do in your spare time at home, check out these links:

Image from DowntownFitnessWorld

You can also find tons of fantastic info on classes, poses, diets, clothing and more at the Yoga Journal site. It is a go-to guide for anything and everything yoga related. Yoga Magazine is also a great online counterpart for another yoga 'zine' that is full of info for the passionate yogi. 


  1. I really enjoy doing yoga but I'm sometimes afraid to do it by myself. I don't want to learn a position and later find out I taught myself wrong!

  2. I want to start doing yoga more. I have a friend who does it every morning for 30 min. She does the one that comes on Fit tv. I dont get that channel. Do you know another channel that yoga comes on that I can go along with?
