Sunday, January 30, 2011

A New You

Even though we are already making our way into February, it is never too late to begin making lifestyle changes that will lead to a happy and healthier new you for 2011.  With a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and lots of fun, becoming the person you want to be is easy. Everyone's goals and resolutions for this year are different, but all it takes to reach these goals are small steps and lots of smiles. (laughing makes everything easier :) )

The first step in achieving any goal that you have is defining your goal. Whether you want to eat healthier, tastier meals or new learn exercises to spice up your daily routine, acknowledging these goals is key.  My goal for 2011 is to give my current lifestyle an overhaul and revamp it to include better food choices, fun, exciting exercise classes (good for the body and the soul), and to learn to reduce stress and enjoy each minute of the day.

(photo from FitSugar)

Keep checking back and join me as I discover new tips, tricks, recipes, activities, and gadgets that will help me reach my goal of creating a better life for myself all while having fun :)


  1. This sounds pretty awesome! Can't wait to see how well you do! :)

  2. I want to join! I can't wait to read more!

  3. Sounds fun. I love to exercise, it does make you feel better. I can't wait to see more.

  4. I don't exercise enough but would love to start! Maybe your blog will help me!

  5. KATE VAN ANTWERP teach me to have a better lifestyle! now!

  6. Food choice is the hardest part lol. Dang Cookout

  7. aww this sounds soo neat! I cant wait to see what all you have in store!
