Monday, February 14, 2011

Overslept-----and Happy V-day!!!!!!

Well, so much for morning yoga. haha. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get myself out of bed early enough to make it to class. Sleep was calling my name! I was up early, just not early enough. I am determined now to be awake in time for Wednesday's class. (we'll see how this goes)

Being up earlier than usual gave me time to catch up on some homework and browse the internet. And it seems that FitSugar was writing just for me today! Yesterday I talked about how I tend to slack off when Chris comes into town, and the first post on their site was titled "How to Maintain Your Routine Despite Your Social Life." They knew I needed this!!!! Lucky me :)

Todays entry posted 5 tips or guides to help balance yourself and your inner social butterfly. Each tip contains links to in depth entries that help you find ways to do it all.

Photo by Jessica Claire

The five tips, ideas, links, hints or guides (whatever you'd like to call 'em) are:
  1. Date without breaking your healthy resolutions
  2. How to avoid gaining weight when dating
  3. Fitness date inspiration
  4. Fun fitness-focused friend date ideas
  5. Best places to get fit and flirty

If you seem to have trouble balancing it all (like I obviously do), check out the article here. This site definitly knows how to give readers realistic advice about problems most of us seem to be facing.

On another note, Happy Valentine's Day! Make sure you do something wonderful today, whether it be with that someone special, or something just for you. Pamper yourself today and splurge on something that makes your heart happy!


  1. I hate waking up later than wanted. Hopefully you'll get up early enough on Wednesday to make it to your class!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I love reading your blog, you update it so often there is always something new! Do you have any classes you teach or go to during the day like during lunch hours? On Mondays I have a 2 1/2 hour break during the day and that would be a great time for me to do a class!

  3. Here's the link to the schedule of all the classes that the CPA offers:

    Day classes are fantastic cause they pump you up and surprisingly give you energy to keep you going. Monday morning they offer at 6:45 class called Old School Fitness that incorporates a bunch of exercises you used to do in grade school P.E. I obviously have an issue getting up early, but if you can make it that early, I'm sure you'd love it.

    Wednesday from noon until 1 there is a Boot Camp Interval class that is a high intensity class that rotates quickly through short exercise intervals. This is one of the more difficult classes that they offer, but a great workout :)

    I hope this helps!

  4. I feel as though should be my homepage so I can read it every morning

  5. Wow those are really good tips! Me and my boyfriend are competing in a biggest loser competition and it helps us!
