Saturday, February 12, 2011

V-day Weekend!!!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. A visit for Valentine's Day from my wonderful boyfriend has taken me away from my computer for a bit. I was able to sneak some internet time in to update though :)
I've taken a lazy weekend pass and am lagging on my workouts and super healthy eating plan. Sometimes you have to splurge, especially when there is chocolate lol (guilty pleasure!!!).  I'm making sure to not skip on the workouts too much though, I'll be hitting up some group fitness later today and tomorrow afternoon. Group classes are the best for keeping me going. You can't slack off or cheat with 30 people surrounding you. They are also great for keeping you motivated; something about group classes push me to work even harder than usual. 

Tell me what you guys think: Do you enjoy group fitness classes or would you rather hit the gym alone?


  1. I usually go to the gym alone or with another friend. I have yet to try any of the group ones.

  2. I love group fitness! i taught two times this week... it was fun. group fitness is motivating, it's the way to go. now you are a fellow instructor and i can't wait to come to your class.

  3. I have never been to a group fitness class! I want to try some of them but I'm not sure which ones are the good. What classes do you suggest?

  4. I enjoy both workout alone and fitness groups. I just haven't had a .moment to go so far this year
