Monday, March 28, 2011

Mini Workouts!

Today's schedule has been beyond hectic, but the majority of my hard work has been for a good cause. As fundraising chair for my campus Relay for Life, I've been busy lately gathering donations and setting up fundraisers--like tonight's at Rita's Italian Ice (sooo yummy.) On April 8th all of my teams hard work will pay off as we celebrate our Relay for Life event and raise money for the American Cancer Society. (hopefully we'll reach our $50,000 goal!)

After a busy day of schoolwork and fundraising, I was thankfully able to squeeze in a small, but powerful workout in my room. I completed Tone It Up's newest challenge: Lean Legs Pyramid and did my own personal booty workout.

For those of you who want to try these exercises at home, here are the workouts:

Lean Legs Pyramid

  • 20 squats
  • 30 lunges
  • 40 toe touches (head forward, legs straight, bend town & touch your toes)
  • 50 second wall sit (sit up against a wall, legs at 90 degrees and hold it!)
  • 100 seconds jumping jacks
  • 50 second wall sit
  • 40 toe touches
  • 30 lunges
  • 20 squats

Kate's Booty Workout- begin on the mat in tabletop position
  • 10 hydrants
  • 10 hydrant kicks (hold leg at 90 degrees out to side and only kick from knee)
  • 10 donkey kick bent leg (foot flexed)
  • 10 donkey kick straight leg (abs engaged, foot flexed)
  • 10 weighted donkey kicks (place hand weight behind the knee of the leg that is lifting)
Bridge with kick exercise
    Switch to other leg, repeat 2x

These are both great workouts to target your lower body. And they are perfect because, aside from the weighted donkey kick, you don't need any equipment and you can do these exercises almost anywhere. Give them a try!

Tomorrow the Tone It Up girl's will be releasing their beach bum workout video and I can't wait!


  1. Those Lean Leg Pyramid are AMAZING!!!

  2. I just love looking at your blog.... I need these tips to get in shape for summer lol
