Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

Don't you just love March? I woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine and warm weather and now I'm going to sleep with thunderstorms and the dread of tomorrow's cold weather. Boo!!! I'm ready for summer weather all the time!

Image from ToneItUp
The drastic change in weather makes it hard sometimes to keep myself dedicated to going to the gym. When it is rainy and cold I just want to cuddle up with a book and a giant blanket! I got lucky today because yesterday I signed up for Tone It Up's 8 week Bikini Season Workout Plan :) I signed up for the plan here and last night they sent me a 'morning booty call' to remind me to get up early and sneak in 30 minutes of fitness ( I did it :) )

Today I checked my e-mail and received my first workout video in the series and printable routine to take with me to the gym. (I am in love with printable routine btw) The email also informed me that tomorrow I will be receiving my printable calendar to keep track of my workouts and I can't wait.

I'm absolutely loving the idea of having updated workout plans sent directly to me! and the best part of the Bikini Season Plan is the huge amount of giveaways that the Tone It Up girl's have collected. Throughout the 8 week challenge they will be giving away over 100 gifts like Roxy gear, Physicians Formula makeup and Oakley sunglasses.

For those of you who are still unsure about signing up for this exciting challenge, here is the first workout in the program. Check it out, see what you think and then sign up for the 56 day beach preparation plan.

This is the link to sign up!

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