Friday, February 25, 2011

Can you handle it?

Do you ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in your day? I'm guessing we've all felt that way at one time or another. That's how things for me have been lately. I know I've mentioned it before whew, its been a madhouse. 

Image from FitSugar
For those of you who share my busy day routine, checking out SELF magazine's Healthy Lunch Tips article may be helpful! This article give some guidelines for the best midday meals to help you prepare for afternoon adventures. Most women don't eat proper, filling meals and they wind up hungry a couple hours later. (No good!) Eating a substantial and nutritious meal can help fight off that pesky hungry stomach. You can check out there tips here.

With swim suit season (and spring break!!!!! :D ) sneaking up on us fast, I've noticed the gyms packed with girls getting their bikini bodies ready. Though I'm a huge gym enthusiast (group fitness especially), at home workouts can be a huge time saver. Especially those that target specific trouble areas. Widely hated 'Love Handles' seem to top the list of hardest to fix spots. While cardio is the best way to rid your body of extra midsection cushioning, toning specific muscles can always help. FitSugar's how to video gives us a couple variations of side plank to help reduce that unwanted padding. (double yay!!)

Check this video out to see if you can handle the moves that get rid of those pesky handles!


  1. oh wow that seems interesting! I know that by the time I get done with the day I just want to go home and sleep! I think I might try those instead of sitting on the couch! haha

  2. You should look at the new SHAPE magazine. They have an entire article about workouts at home that look pretty easy to do in a room.
