Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Workout rut? Fashion Fix :)

Image from FitSugar
Have you all ever hit a point in your workout/health goals where you are either bored with your routine or not seeing any results? I bet you have because I have! Sometimes you just feel like there is only so much you can do to make things different or to push yourself. FitSugar posted an article today (no surprise there haha) called "10 Fitness Tips to Help You Work Smarter and Get Results." It's got some really good ideas and ways to keep yourself going while changing up your routine enough to see results.

Sometimes we think we have to push ourselves harder and harder to see changes, but surprisingly you may need to slow down to see some results. Read through the tips to see how you may be overworking yourself or learn how to mix up your daily routines to get the results your looking for. You can check out the tips here!

You all know how much I love finding other fitness sites or blogs online. Somehow I stumbled across this site and it's pretty much amazing. MizzFit is blog about fitness (duh!) and fashion! What an amazing mix :) MizzFit follows all the latest trends in the workout world: classes, routines, products, gyms, events, services, wellness tips and of course, the latest in couture exercise style. The site is based out of New York, but works to promote fitness worldwide. 

Image from MizzFit

Ladies, if you love to workout with style, this site for you! Just read MizzFit's Manifesto:

Women who work out, fell sexy and radiate confidence.
Who embrace their inner jock and fashionista as one.
Who are proud to sweat and accessorize (a lot).
Who are determined, consistent and open-minded.
Who crave new challenges and know how to have fun.
Who love their bodies in and out of their workout clothes.
Who push hard, cheer loud and never give up on a dream.
Who inspire us to feel great and cherish who we are.
Here's to you for inspiring mizzFIT.com!

If this manifesto is calling to your inner workout wonder woman, check this site out here.  I know sometimes I load you all up with sites, but when I find something I love, I just have to share it with you! Even if I may not need, use or enjoy everything I find on a site, when something good comes along, it makes it worth checking the sites daily :)


  1. Umm... Thats amazing! I'm going to have to check the MizzFit website out. Thank you for finding these articles and websites!

  2. i have got tired of working out before so I had to change it up a bit! It's always good to keep a fresh workout and do different things.

  3. I love how motivated you are with your exercise!!!

  4. I've never seen "sweat" and "accessorize" used together before!
